Saturday, June 8, 2019

learn to create your own blog for free!!

                           Mainly all the Bloggers start their blogging career with the popular Google Blogspot Blogging platform.
Here in this post I will be guiding you how you can create a free blog on blogspot without spending a single penny.
So before moving further lets understand few basics..
Google Blogger (Blogspot)
This is the most trusted blogging platform for all the newbies to start a free blog and earn money.
One of the main reason being is Google. This is managed and powered by the Internet giant Google.
Not only it is well suited for free blogs but also provides premium domain names.
So how to create a free blog on blogspot ?

To create a blog on blogger visit and login using your Google account email and password. Create a one if you don’t have one.
you will be asked to give a user name for BlogSpot profile
After that you need to setup your blog. Follow the process to successfully create a free blog on blogspot.

1. Name Your Blog

The first step is to give your blog a particular name and a domain address.
“As this is a free service so you will have yourdomainname. But if you are willing to spend few penny you can set your own custom domain name. That we will discuss later.”
Make sure to give a generic name for both as it makes your blog looks professional.
After that select a template.
You can always change the template later whenever you want.
Now click on Create a Blog.
This is how the first Impression of Your blogger dashboard will look like.
Now your free blog on blogger is created. But its not fully created yet.
There are some setting that need to be taken care of before you write/create your first masterpiece post.
2. Basic Setting to do after you create your free blog on blogspot
To change the setting according to your blog specification you just click on Settings on left side of blogger dashboard.
You will notice a wide range of options.
Click on Basic under settings tab.
Set the description of the blog according to your own Niche.
Make sure to include some long and short trail keyword as it helps search engine to find your blog.
Above Settings you will find Themes tab. You can choose the free themes from the section to best suit your Niche.
3. Manage Blog Layout, Header and Logo
Logo, header and blog layout is what gives your blog a Unique looks.
Plus logo and header image gives your blog a brand image.
To change these options : Click on Layout.
You will notice something like that.
Now set your Favicon and header Image suggesting your niche.
This is it. You have successfully created your free blog using google blogger.
Miscellaneous Settings
Now you can customize the blog layout according to your own need.
4. Create Your First Post
After performing the above steps its time to create your masterpiece post for which you have started this blog.
Click on Post then on New Post.
You will see your Editor and will look something like this.
Give your Post a Catchy Headline, Create your best post.
You can categorize it with different labels for different posts.
When done click on Publish.
Congratulations you just published your first blog post.
5. Setting up AdSense Account to Make Money from Blog
Before signing up for AdSense account make sure to have few blog post and a descent traffic.
To start earning from AdSense Click on Earnings tab then signup for Google AdSense.
Provide your website details and complete the form.
For Blogger AdSense is enabled very quickly but Your blog need to pass the guidelines Setup by Google.
It will take from 3 days to 15 days depending on the geographical location.
Starting a free blog is easy and does not require much effort.
As it is free you are bound by some limitation but as you keep on succeeding you can opt for better options like custom domain address etc.

The idea for this blog is taken from quora ,here is the link for you..